Willys wagon owner intro


Well Oiled
Sep 27, 2009
Vancouver, BC
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
  1. 1965
Hello everyone, Pavel here. I'm a retired High School biology teacher. We have a Willys wagon with the 230 Tornado engine, that came from Montana - it was registered as a '65. The vehicle is just for fun now and has been updated with Saginaw steering, front disc brakes and shoulder belts. The body has had most of the serious rust removed and received an 'economy' paint job. There are multiple problems including a nonfunctioning fuel gauge, clutch "judder", cracked windshield, removed headlining etc. etc. She runs fine but the distributor is stuck at 20 degrees before top dead center and I can't move it (tried almost everything). Of course, she flunked AirCare and so can't be licenced for regular road use. I have lots of plans to improve her but first want to iron out the obvious problems. If you want to take "Bluebell" for a drive yourself, visit my website and check out the instructions at the top of the home page:



pavel6 said:
... If you want to take "Bluebell" for a drive yourself, visit my website and check out the instructions at the top of the home page:




Hey Pavel-

Just took Bluebell for a cruise, nearly scuffed the paint on a big moose... ;)

I've been to your website before, some years ago... Lots of great info there, and nice work on the wagon too.

When you get a minute, put up a couple pics of your wagon in your gallery, accessed through your user control panel.

Hope all is well,

Thanks Pete - yes, you must be careful driving old Bluebell - we have alot of wildlife up here in Canada - can be a road hazard. I've added a few pictures to my gallery and will add more.

Thank you for producing this WW website, I appreciate your hard work and will contribute as much as I can. Have the reputation of being too verbose (according to my sister-in-law) so feel free to rein me in when necessary!
pavel6 said:
Thanks Pete - yes, you must be careful driving old Bluebell - we have alot of wildlife up here in Canada - can be a road hazard. I've added a few pictures to my gallery and will add more.

Thank you for producing this WW website, I appreciate your hard work and will contribute as much as I can. Have the reputation of being too verbose (according to my sister-in-law) so feel free to rein me in when necessary!


Being verbose is an asset to a new forum... :)

I love your Bluebell (Willys Wagon)...and have gone to your site in the past....I too 'em glad this forum was started up....gives me a chance to see what others have done and doing....10 yrs. ago I sold my first (51 4x2)) Willys Wagon and have missed her ever since...and now have replaced her with a newer model...'62 4x4.....I look forward in hearing from you from time to time.
62OIIIO: great to hear you and I have very similar wagons! My problem is time.. we have very little to spend on old Bluebell - it can be frustrating. The problem that is most important at the moment is getting her through AirCare so she can be licenced and insured for more than a few days at a time. I can't free up the stuck distributor (will try once more) that is stuck at 20 BTDC and so will install a MegaJolt Ford EDIS distributorless ignition system to get around the problem. And then there's the worn out valve guide seals...

