Sorry, got some fat-finger issues. Its a 700R4 not a 700RH. ...And yes, it is a GM product. There are several websites that sell them. Just go to Yahoo, or your search engine of choice, and put in 700R4. It'll bring up a plethora of sites that sell and/or rebuild them. Other options are and Of course you can search local boneyards too. If your's is a 4x4, make sure you get a 700R4 from a 4x4. Also, the older ones work better for our applications than the newer ones due to less computer-controlled stuff on them. I'm in the same boat as you, searching for one I can afford. I've seen them from $200 (craigslist) to $1500 (various independant sites.) $500 to $850 seems to be the average price range for a decent, professionally rebuilt unit. It should bolt right up to other GM components such as engine and transfer case. Of course, mounting points on your particular ride may or may not be in the right spots depending on how its been set up in the past. BTW-- Welcome to the forum. I'm relatively new here, myself.