Swing open rear doors on a wagon?

From what I have read off the net, Willys made a few 3 and 4 door special vehicles. In Brazil a 3 door was a popular option...the third door was on the passenger side, before the wheel - using B pillar for the hinges. I sure would like to speak Portuguese and contact a junk yard for that third door.
52wagon said:
All the wagons I've seen have the clam shell doors on the rear. I saw these on a popular auction site. A new user here just picked up a wagon with a side door added, could it be the right rear door from a swing open door model? Any body seen this option? 52wagon
I put Delivery doors on my wagon. Hard part is finding a donor, make sure you get the pillar posts too and you are in business.
willysworker said:
52wagon said:
All the wagons I've seen have the clam shell doors on the rear. I saw these on a popular auction site. A new user here just picked up a wagon with a side door added, could it be the right rear door from a swing open door model? Any body seen this option? 52wagon
I put Delivery doors on my wagon. Hard part is finding a donor, make sure you get the pillar posts too and you are in business.

You did a great job on your Willys! Do you have any shots of the straps/rods on top of the rear doors?
I purchased my 1960 wagon last year. It has a wagon VIN but has the delvery doors, every thing else is wagon. If the doors were added at some time in it's life they sure did a great job, no sign of a weld on the inside corners. Even the matching orginal green paint shows up under some of the chipped red. My guess is it came from the factory this way. Any other thoughts?

I'm still figuring out how to get a picture on this post, but go check my album to see the doors.


galleryimage]delivery doors[/galleryimage]
MajorTom said:
I purchase my 1960 wagon last year. It's got a wagon VIN but has the delvery doors and every thing else is wagon. If the doors were added at some time in it's life they sure did a great job, no sign of a weld on the inside corners. Even the matching orginal green paint shows up under some of the chipped red. My guess is it came from the factory this way. Any other thoughts?



Can you take a couple of pictures of the top of the door and the body where the bars on top of the doors go in to?