Suggestion Box


Staff member
Sep 17, 2009
Hailey, Idaho
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
  1. 1960
I'd like to make this forum the best place on the net for Willys Wagons and Trucks, so if you see anything that could be better, or something that is missing and should be here, let me know...

Use this thread to make your suggestions-

Pete, this is getting better all the time. Thanks for your efforts. The only suggestion I have, which is more of a it possible to fix the gallery so that the slide show displays all of the pictures as it runs through, rather than just the four on the visible page? That would be pretty cool.
aquawilly54 said:
...this is getting better all the time...

Thanks Steve, I'm constantly tinkering with it... It is just about there, and won't take so much work for a while (hoping...)

aquawilly54 said: it possible to fix the gallery so that the slide show displays all of the pictures as it runs through, rather than just the four on the visible page? That would be pretty cool.

The gallery software is designed to display whatever thumbnails are on the page currently being viewed. I'm not sure if I can change it or not, but I see if I can figure it out. For now, you will need to first click on the user's personal gallery, and then start the slide show to see all the pics in the album.

Create an icon 16x16 pixels.
Upload the favicon.ico into the root directory
put the following HTML code in between your <head> tags:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="">

We need a cool willys icon to show up when we bookmark the site.
BioTex said:
...We need a cool willys icon to show up when we bookmark the site...

I had the favicon working before I changed the url for the forum... Not sure what happened to it. I added the bit of code to the overall header, and it seems to be working again. Let me know if it doesn't show up for you.

Now to make the little icon a bit "cooler". :D

On the users profile it would be nice for members to post their location, that way when we reply to them for parts or what not we know what distance we are from them. We wouldn't waste our time replying to a post for knowing we couldn't afford shipping from Idaho to Florida. It would also help us "know each other'" better. Lets face it we're all different from East coast to West coast to South west. Not that is by no means bad!! THANKS Chuck
rcshook696 said:
...On the users profile it would be nice for members to post their location...


This is currently an optional profile field. It is up to the user to fill out the profile, and their location. If the location is filled in, it shows up under the user's avatar when they post, and in their profile.

I've encouraged everyone to fill out the profile when they register for the forum, but some choose to keep this info private.

Pete.this might be from left field or beyond...I would like to print a page of individual members...this page would have some small pictures of their ride or project, personal, location etc. I'd keep the page close to the computer. Their are people I like to keep up memory isn't all that good and this way I could keep track and correspond...with 200+ members....people like biotech, midnightburn, pavel6 and the like. It maybe a dumb idea, but it would help me. Also I have tried and tried to put another picture in my little box when did it for me last time...I deleted that and was trying to change the you can luck.
62 OlllO said:
I would like to print a page of individual members...


Have you tried the "Friends" feature in the User Control Panel? There is a tab labled "Friends & Foes" in your UCP. You can add the members you want to a list to keep track of their posts, etc.

I haven't tried the setup, so I'm not sure exactly what it does, but I think it is the closest thing to what you described. Give it a try and let me know how it works. Other than that, you would need to print individual member's profiles as the forum is not set up to do this for you that I know of.

Possible to get an "Off Topic" page on the board index for just off the wall stuff.
This way I can request some items off your link for forum stuff.... My B-day is coming up and can always use a new coffee cup and t-shirt
Eric B said:
Possible to get an "Off Topic" page on the board index for just off the wall stuff.
This way I can request some items off your link for forum stuff.... My B-day is coming up and can always use a new coffee cup and t-shirt


I'm working on a list of categories for various threads. Not sure yet if I want to do the Off Topic page or not... My experience is that the OT sections tend to get political and devisive, and everything goes down hill from there. I may give it a try, and if it goes south, I can always eliminate it.

In the mean time, you can always post your birthday wish with OT in the thread title :thumbup:

I may have missed it but do we have a "test page"
for posting pics or sigs anything like that?

I need to get up to snuff on posting pics in topics on my side....

Eric B said:
I may have missed it but do we have a "test page"
for posting pics or sigs anything like that?

I need to get up to snuff on posting pics in topics on my side....



I just added a test forum to the board, find it under the Intro forum in the General Discussion area.

In general, when posting a photo, if it doesn't show up in the preview, it won't show in the post...

With our Merchant section growing a steady rate. (which is a GREAT thing)

When you click on an ad for one of them is it possible to pop a new browser window instead of kicking the board user out of this site?
Eric B said:
With our Merchant section growing a steady rate. (which is a GREAT thing)

When you click on an ad for one of them is it possible to pop a new browser window instead of kicking the board user out of this site?


Made the change, the links should now open in a new window...

Pete said:
Eric B said:
With our Merchant section growing a steady rate. (which is a GREAT thing)

When you click on an ad for one of them is it possible to pop a new browser window instead of kicking the board user out of this site?


Made the change, the links should now open in a new window...


Can you fix it so when you click on a link(not merchant) in a thread it opens in a new window?
How about larger avatar file sizes? 9kb is pretty small. Most forums I frequent are between 25-50kb max for non paying members. I cant use my normal avatar and it makes me sad :cheers:
MrFreeze5 said:
How about larger avatar file sizes? 9kb is pretty small. Most forums I frequent are between 25-50kb max for non paying members. I cant use my normal avatar and it makes me sad
Email me your avatar file and I'll resize it for you...

You added the tech section under "General" (good call)
We are starting to get alot of build pages from different users going, would it make sense to have a "Build section" for these posts to go.

Would make tracking different user projects easier and keep the "general" section set up for questions/answers "general banter"

my 2 cents....

Suggestion: I don't know if phpBB supports Multi-Quote, but it would be a handy time saver (for me anyway) :mrgreen: