great post! I did some substaintial digging myself on this issue during phase one of my build. I decided to stand pat with 4.27 in the 41 rear and 25 back. Good set up for flatlanders and mountain goats. I don't have excessive noise other than the usual winding up so you probably do have some play back there that can be tightened up.
1. I could'nt find new gears (higher than 4.27) for the 41 or the 25 in all of Houston, Texas so they may not be findable at any price. So the gear swap was out.
2. OD is expensive for us weekend rebuilders ($4-500 used, $6-800 new) but from all I've read they are sweet and make a huge difference all around. If I could ever find one reasonable I would jump on it.
3. The other option is a complete axil swap (Paul at Willy's America has some good insight) which requires at least some work making things fit (carriers, drive shafts, ect...). One obvious pro to this option is that newer axils have disk brakes which is another improvement to the ride. Prices on this vary as I did not pursue this one that far.
Good luck, I would recommend you slowly work through some of the obvious culprits listed in previous post and see if you can quiet things down some before you start writing some big checks. It's fun and humbling at the same time.