Good morning Guys and Gals


Bigger Hammer
Mar 21, 2011
Oakhurst Oklahoma
Willys Model
Willys Year:
Picked up a 1960 Willys 4x4 pickup (body and frame) with the thoughts of cutting it up and putting it on a 61 cj5 frame. Well when I showed it to my Lady, she said NO! that is going to be my DD! Ok no problem! I am sure I will have some questions as I go. The current, plan is to take components from an 81 cj7 (axles, engine, hydraulic clutch, power boosted brakes, power steering, e brake, peddles, gas tank and rock pan) and from another, (4 speed tranny, D20 xfer case) also from an 89 xj (tilt steering, electric seats? electric windows? cruise control?) Should make her a nice DD that she can go to the store, post office etc with and look really cool and be very capable on and off road (mild only) with parts I already have! I grew up in an auto salvage, got married, interests changed, raised kids, got divorced, interests changing to me again instead of her!!! Done field service on overhead bridge and gantry cranes for like 30 years along with other heavy industrial maintenance,,, broke my back 15 years ago, and again (awaiting surgery now)
Anyway Good morning all y'all!
Good Morning back at ya....and Welcome to the Forum...There are a few of us Willy's fanatics here on the forum who have back issues as well. I have titanium rods and a GFMF '62 Wagon :lol: I'm working on.
Should be a good build. Make sure you start a thread in the builds section and keep us up to date. :)
Hi Richard

I am envious already. A midwest no rust Willys. Welcome from the land of salt, rain and rust. My son is in the Topeka Kansas area....cant wait to move there in a few years. I used to live in Oklahoma City back when JFK was in office ( I am really old).
You picked an awesome site to settle into. If you have pictures feel free to share.

Welcome to the forums. Keep us posted on the project as it comes along.
Will definitely have more pictures to share with all.

Worfdog I think I found a real gal this time around, we have many things in common, She even likes to go fishing!!

MikeC I do know where 2 more are the guy wants a grand each for them (I would make nothing from them) one is a 47 the other is the same body as I have but more complete, If you have interest PM me and I will give you his contact info (or anyone else thats interested)

I see many questions before a build thread is going on this gal, a tape measure has revealed that the axles I have will not fit under her, so,,,,, research, research, research!

Well, you already have the hardest part of owning a Willys out of the way....convincing your woman that all the hours and money you are going to throw at your truck isn't going to be a colossal waste. Super cool that she gets it. :thumbup: Good luck on the project. Looking forward to seeing more.
She has 2 other jeeps as well, a 61 cj5 (mud toy/hunting rig) and a 76 American General dj5d (in build, going 4x4). What I cant believe is it took 25 years for me to wake up and get rid of the looser and find her! :thumbup:
That poor, poor girl is sitting without wheels and has snow on her....find her an inside place soon......oh I feel so sorry for her!
But happy for your two legged find!!!! That's super nice!
We have done a bit of cleanup, lots of research, pulled the locked up super hurricane out, Looks like I have a front axle for her now, a dana 30 3.54 open NT from a 81 cj7, now to find a full width axle for the rear and she will be once again rolling! (easier to get in the shop) We want to keep the original stance of the vehicle.

I do have indoor space for her, as soon as the cj5 is out of it! We will then get very serious about getting her running, for the moment gather and plan!

I first meet her over near Arkansas, with 2 others about a year ago setting in a field, at least she was not alone! I would luv to have the funds to obtain the other 2 (one being a 47 4x4)

I still have this thought that she is not a 1960, I think she is lying about her age! :D What I find is that in 1960 Willys came out with the 1 piece windshield. I have found pics of several 57's, even the color matches! Any thoughts?
What's the serial number? I'll check it out and see what I come up with.....
I have a 1960 with a two piece screen. They didn't come out with one peice until very late 60 or early 61
Gojeep said:
I have a 1960 with a two piece screen. They didn't come out with one peice until very late 60 or early 61
Maybe she is a 60 then,,, if so that is the same age as my gal! :thumbupleft: