Gear oil and lube question


Gear Grinder
May 27, 2010
Willys Model
Willys Year:
59 Wagon book says use 90w GL-4 Can't locate any in Texas. Can I just use synthetic 75w90 for transfer and both front and back axle? :shock:
I've heard that tractor supply company carries 85w90w gl4, if you have one close and also napa. You can also use 75w90 or 85w 90w. I've been using gl5 in my vehicles for several now with no problems. You can use synthetic gear oil, It's just to expensive for me.
Most just use 80-90 as it works fine and is easy to find anywhere.
Gl-5 contains sulfur,which is destructive to the brass componets in your transfer and transmission. Napa has mineral gear oil ,which contains no sulfur. Motor oil without sulfur can also be used. Has been huge discussions on the Mseries Willys site and the M37 site,very informative.
Learn something new every day. Now I have to remember to look at my gear oil and see what rating it is.
WagonNut said:
Just a word on synthetic oils, they tend to leak with old seals.


Just a word on Willys...They leak with anything. :lol: Are you sure you want to replace synthetics on a regular basis?? ;) 80/90 works just fine.
Ok I'll try tractor supply but all I'm seeing is GL-5.. Thanksss for the help!! Chassis is rolling, now working on hurricane 6 engine. :cheers:
aquawilly54 said:
WagonNut said:
Just a word on synthetic oils, they tend to leak with old seals.


Just a word on Willys...They leak with anything. :lol: Are you sure you want to replace synthetics on a regular basis?? ;) 80/90 works just fine.

OK..... I guess you got me there Steve :oops:

I've bought a coupla gallons of GL4 gear oil at the local Napa store.
The GL5 and GL4 is always a discussion.Some say GL5 that also says MT1 is safe for use in older transmissions.Some say GL5 oil will only attack brass parts if the oil temp is constantly hot,like over 220 degrees.Some say GL5 gear oils are too slippery for older synchro designs to work properly.A guy well know for rebuilding Muncie and BW T-10 Muscle car trannys says he has never saw any problems from using GL5 gear oil with brass parts.
Redline make dedicated sythetic gear oils that are really good in older trannys.At 10 bucks a quart it's not economical for leakers. :D
My own finding? I ran GL5 gear oil in the original 4 speed SM420 tranny in my 50 Chevy truck for 5 years.It shifts just fine. Recently I drained the tranny oil and there was quite a bit of brass looking dust suspended in the oil.Maybe something,maybe nothing,I replaced it with GL4 oil.
Some of the oil companies are now producing "classic" oil qualities for the old cars. Check if you can find some close by!
I bought GL 4 at Napa - no sense causing problems in the long term. I also bought some RedLine GL 4 after a fellow Willys colleague noted how much his rear end quieted down after using synthetic. I don't believe the GL 4 is necessary for the diffs, but I understand it is for the transmission and transfer case. Amsol (sp?) also makes a GL 4. In terms of cost, I am with my Willys for the long term. Since even with regular driving I am lucky to put 5000 on per year, the synthetic should last longer (more years) and GL 4 makes sense.
I used what the Willys service manual said to use. GL-4 SAE 80W-95W-90. Good for year round use here. Good old NAPA.