

Sharpest Tool
Mar 11, 2010
Central IL
Willys Model
  1. Pickup
Willys Year:
  1. 1962
Hey Guys - -

I have recently struggled with a gauge issue (that some of you are aware of). The good news is the fuel gauge is working again; the bad news is I don't know why, exactly, which means I may be in trouble again soon! I have been doing some thinking. I have the second "glove box" area on the drivers side that I was considering making a wood cover and mounting a few gauges there. This way I can keep the dash pretty stock, have additional gauges, and be able to remove them at will with no permanent scars. I was thinking it would be nice to have a tach and volt meter, for example. I have also heard that mechanical gauges for temp (and pressure) are better (more reliable) than electric ones. With my recent run in with my electric (stock) gauges, I am thinking of adding a mechanical temp gauge to my list. The problem is, it seems the mechanical gauges have large bulbs on the sending end, and am not sure it will fit well in the flat head engine.

So - if I may pick at your brains a bit: What are your thoughts on mechanical gauges? Worth it? Has anyone made the switch? Is it possible? Any luck? More reliable, or not necessarily? Thoughts? Concerns? Advice?

As always, thanks for your thoughts!
Mechanical gauges are fine, but so are most electric ones. The electric gauges in your Willys are about 50 years old and if the wiring is correct they still work. So for dependability the big thing is the wiring is correct and safely routed, but on mechanical gauges the lines have to be carefully run also as kinks or damage will make them fail also. Both have their strengths and drawbacks.

Having actual oil pressure would be nice. Are you planning to have a door over the glovebox so it looks stock until you open it up?
Oh, that would be cool. Hadn't thought of that. Pop it open and have a lot of cool gauges surprise you. That would be cool. Like I said, it is on the drivers side where I currently have the non-opening "cap" (not sure what it is called) with the remnant hole where an old radio used to be. Anything would look better than that. So I would have to find a glove box door and engineer my wood frame better than I had planned, but I that would be cool. Thanks for the suggestion.

Has anyone found a mechanical temp gauge that fits into the 226? My father in law gave me one off the shelf he had laying around and the sender was way to big to fit in the flat head.
Either way I agree with the gauges. Personally I prefer the electronic ones. My wagon had a mechanical oil pressure gauge in it that had this oil line running around in circles. It got yanked out.

For you sender question. One thing to do it pull your old unit out and go down to your FLAPS, hopefully you have a great point of contact there that you have been working with to help ya look thru the catalog for exactly what you want.

Eric B

Thanks for the translation. Wasn't familiar with that one...

Freindly...... what's that? ;)

Got a mechanic that will do things like that for a few :beer: 's but.............
I just wanted to follow up as I put this one to a close, for now...

I took my temp sender in to my local FLAPS as suggested and the mechanical gauge off the self worked just fine. It had an adapter as part of the kit that the previous one I tried did not. Turns out the truck is running cooler than I thought. I used an IR thermometer and get about 190 deg off the top of the block, but the temp gauge reads a steady 160. I like having the numbers, but am thinking of getting the electrical sender set up (maybe on a 'T') so my stock gauges still function. The fuel gauge continues to register fine.

ANYWAY - not an exciting post and no great insight here, but I just wanted to follow up. I have a lot to learn. The lesson this time: sometimes the problem you think you have may not be a problem at all...and don't skip steps in the trouble shooting process...

Thanks for your insights, friends.