1947 Willys Wagon


Knuckle Buster
Oct 13, 2010
Willys Model
Willys Year:
So, a friend came in today who is working on his 1947 Willys Station Wagon and said he cannot find a part. He wants to stay original, but can't find any used pieces that are decent condition. He also can't find any aftermarket that are correct for that year. His has a build date of April. It's the rubber lower door seal w/plate. It is NOT THE SAME as the later models, as the trim packages differred. Can you guys help us locate the part?
Have you checked all the links on the right hand side of the main page? I don't know what the vendors there have/don't have but it would be a good place to start. In the upper left hand part of the page click on "portal" then look in the lower right of the screen it pops up. I'd look at Walks and Kaiser first.
I was just at the Fall Carlisle (PA) show where I perused the catalog from Steele Rubber products. Not sure of your particular need but they did offer items for my '51.
bulletsnbait said:
So, a friend came in today who is working on his 1947 Willys Station Wagon and said he cannot find a part. He wants to stay original, but can't find any used pieces that are decent condition. He also can't find any aftermarket that are correct for that year. His has a build date of April. It's the rubber lower door seal w/plate. It is NOT THE SAME as the later models, as the trim packages differred. Can you guys help us locate the part?

Have him go here: http://www.thejeepsterman.com/shopdispl ... heel+Drive

Some prices are reasonable.
