Where is everyone?


Well Oiled
Sep 21, 2009
Willys Model
Willys Year:
Hey guys, how goes it for everyone. I keep checking here to see who's who and i'm a little confused. Pete, first off great job. This is really cool. Second, I saw your post that said there were 26 members. Where's everyone at?? I'm only seeing a few of us here. At any rate I'd really like to see some of your guyz'z wagons in the gallery. I don't have much to add to the tech side of things right now except to say that i still haven't worked my fuel problem. I'll get to it soon i hope. Not today though. It's pourin' out here in Missouri.
I'll keep checkin'.
aquawilly54 said:
Hey guys, how goes it for everyone. I keep checking here to see who's who and i'm a little confused. Pete, first off great job. This is really cool. Second, I saw your post that said there were 26 members. Where's everyone at?? I'm only seeing a few of us here. At any rate I'd really like to see some of your guyz'z wagons in the gallery. I don't have much to add to the tech side of things right now except to say that i still haven't worked my fuel problem. I'll get to it soon i hope. Not today though. It's pourin' out here in Missouri.
I'll keep checkin'.


I think it will simply take some time for the new forum to be found by its intended audience. I've put a bunch links to the forum in various places on the net trying to spread the word. And I'm sure that the 26 members we do have are busy and broke like everyone else... Its hard for me to find the time to kill on a new forum when I'm in survival mode at the moment, but since I can't buy a wagon right now, this is the next best thing for me.

Figuring out how to get a new forum to grow is an interesting challenge that I hadn't really considered until I put OldWillysWagons up a few weeks ago. I suppose it's just like the old saying "you can lead a horse to water"... I created the new trough, and time will tell if anyone wants a drink. I'm pondering ways to get folks involved, and ways to promote the forum too. If you have any brilliant ideas, I'm all ears...

I think it will only take a few new posts to get the ball rolling and the disscusion in those topics will spark other new posts and before we know it, it will be hard to keep track of it all. At least that's my aim. On several other boards that I regularly visit, there is a core group of folks that post daily, and the rest are there hit and miss. Some lurk, some post too much... And it takes a while to figure out who we all are and what we have to contribute. I've been on the p15-d24.com forum (for Plymouth cars) for nine years, as part of the core group and it feels like family. I hope this forum becomes such a community in time.

It'll definitely take time, plus the fact that the forum is about wagons only narrows the prospective members down to a select group. I too hope the forum will grow, so if any one wants to discuss something about wagons I'll be glad to join in when I can. :)
I am usually a more of a lurker myself. As much as I love the old vehicles I don't usually have much to contribute from the mechanical end, I'm usually the one asking for the help. I'll throw some more pics of mine in the gallery. I haven't done much yet so these are all pretty much how it looked when I got it this summer (and still does). When I get the pic size thing figured out II'll try putting some in the threads. Goal is to be able to start a thread when I am working on something with progress pics. That is what I look for when I am searching so maybe I can help someone in return.
Imposter71 said:
I am usually a more of a lurker myself. As much as I love the old vehicles I don't usually have much to contribute from the mechanical end, I'm usually the one asking for the help. I'll throw some more pics of mine in the gallery. I haven't done much yet so these are all pretty much how it looked when I got it this summer (and still does). When I get the pic size thing figured out II'll try putting some in the threads. Goal is to be able to start a thread when I am working on something with progress pics. That is what I look for when I am searching so maybe I can help someone in return.

I think you'll be suprised at how much you can contribute... You can, for example, start a simple thread like "Here's my interior", and put in the before and after pics. Someone else will chime in and say Hey that looks great, how did you .... and how come it's ... etc. Before you know it, there's lots to read and share.

I just found this forum and hope to help it grow so we have members in every state. That every field, behind every barn, in all junk yards there are no more un-restored Willys Utility Wagons. I have learned a bit in the last few days...Mitsubishi (Japan), Mahindra (India) and Ford (Brazil) made these wagons...some had 3 or four doors even, and where made up to the mid 70's. I found a great web site http://www.ewillys.com you might want to check out....look out, stand back, order t-shirts & caps, remember the secret hand shake...we will get bigger.
Remember to flag yourself on the members map - it will show where we all are at....