What should I expect when I do get to drive it??


Precision Fit
Jan 18, 2010
Mechanicville ny
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Willys Model
  1. Other
Willys Year:
  1. Other
Hi Everyone

As everyone on here knows, I own a Willys truck but it doesnt go anywhere yet, so far it is nothing more than a money pit / garage / back yard ornament. (A rather large and rather heavy one at that.) I have never driven anything as old as this truck before. It is all 1960 vintage technology. I havent updated anything other than seat belts and highback bucket seats for safety issues. I have been underneath enough of the newer stuff (S10 trucks and Dodge Neon stuff) to know that there is nothing even remotely similar to what is around now and what this Willys has underneath it. There is not a strut or coil spring in sight on these old beasts. I mean I dont even usaully need a jack to do work under it, If I do I need the biggest baddest one I can find. I didnt even know what a drag link was until I bought this truck.
So if you guys can fill me in on what to expect when I do get it to leave the driveway under it's own power that would be a wonderful thing. I truelly dont have a clue what to expect (honestly I am really not looking forward to driving it) other than when I run it around the back door yard it is not fun at all. I have never owned anything this big and heavy before.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Mike: well - it is more like 1940s technology, actually. You can expect squeaks and rattles. And lots of favorable comments: "My uncle had one just like that", and a hundred variations of same. Something you would never get with a Lexus or Neon or any look-alike transportation module being sold today. Enjoy!

Roseburg OR
Ok, Mike; you know I couldn't let this one slide by. Here it is by the numbers...for real.

1. Don't expect to leave a stop light in a hurry. You will get passed up.
2. The brakes (if they have been attended to) will work just fine, but don't wait for the last 10 feet to apply them.
3. You will have transmission / xfer case noise. Maybe so much that you will wonder what's wrong. It's OK.
4. Even when good, the steering will have about 2" of play back and forth on the wheel. If you have more, fix it.
5. You may have clunking when you hit bumps. If it's a clunk, something is loose. Probably worn chasis mounts, or fuel tank mounts. If it's rattles and squeaks, it's character. :)
6. Bad tires or bad steering will have you changing lanes when you don't want to on those bumpy back roads. Put a good set of all terrain radials on it.
7. At the gas station: People will ask you what engine you put in it. Smile and tell them the original.
8. Once in a great while, you may accidentally knock the xfer case in to neutral and wonder why you aren't moving. Ask me how I know. :)

Once you get used to what's what (and it won't take long) the cool factor and ease of mind will set in. You will enjoy it very much.
Take care
my 62s a dd it rides like a tank off road on road not as bad but it does shake rattle and roll (thats why I don't need a radio :D ) and I also need new tires which would help a lot o well some day two jeeps not running need more attention and love first. :cheers:
I will admit I am kinda in the same boat as you. I haven't owned something this big and heavy without power assist on the brakes. I did cheat and add the power steering to mine so the wifey can eventually enjoy driving it too..... ( I wanna work the bugs out 1st ) I figure there are going to be alot of squeeks and rattles even with me tearing it down to nothing. Will just go back and tighten the ones I can and live with the ones I can't. I am actually looking forward to my 1st drive around the neighborhood with my wife and kids even if all the glass isn't installed yet. Just to be moving on it's own power will be great.

My 2 cents... Great post though.

Eric B

The thing you gotta remember is---as far as the truck's concerned---it's 1960!! You have to take it slow!! Watch a couple of Pete's videos where he's cruising his Wagon and turn up the volume. Listen to those lovely sounds!!!

That truck's going to talk to you and you need to listen. The engine noise will tell you when it's maxed out. The tranny will tell you when to shift---try to shift too fast or too slow and you'll grind a pound. The vibrations you feel will tell you when you find that "sweet spot" speed where it all works together and the truck is happy.

You'll probably get some bump steer and it may want to chase the cracks in the road, so you have to pay attention and "be up on the wheel". None of that whimpy two fingers on the wheel and the other hand holding the coffee or cell phone stuff like today's cars and trucks.

It all adds up to FUN!! Hit the road and enjoy 1960 again!! No fear--No worries.

Happy Motoring,
Old Willy
I forgot one thing. This has been addressed in the forum before, but I'll put it out again.

It's an older transmission. No sycro for 1st or reverse. When you come to a stop, the best thing to do is to pop it into second before going to 1st or reverse. This will eliminate grinding, with a properly adjusted clutch.
Lots of good info here, but they missed one thing, the ear to ear grin once you get used to it and get to just drive it. Nothing like driving a vehicle you worked on yourself to make you feel good going down the road.
Unless everything has been replaced..... Expect mechanical problems, and even if you have replaced everything... Expect mechanical problems :lol:
It will take awhile to find and work all the bugs out, but you will enjoy every time you roll more than 10 feet in it!
Also watch the temp, it should be around 160-180 anything over that means it's heating up. AAA towing is a good thing to have if you plan on going anywhere, and careful with the brakes.

Other than that you will have a smile you wont be able to peel off your face! :thumbup:
I agree with the above comments. My very first Willys was a 59 Wagon, totally stock. I've had it on the road and the maximum speed that I got out of it was about 50-55 MPH. WHOA BABY... That thing rattled and rolled and about shook my fillings out of my teeth!! You can climb trees with it too! I bought my 63 Wagon and sold the 59 Wagon to my neighbor. My 63 has a Small Block Chevy V-8 with the original Willys Drive Line. It goes faster, but still has the charm associated with the original Willys. That was some of the motivations for me to buy my 57 Willys Pickup and do a Chevy Chassis Conversion. This vehicle will have all the modern technology with a "new" Chevy 350 Fuel Injected V-8 Motor, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Current Four Wheel Drive Components, Current Suspension, etc, and STILL have the CHARM of the Original Willys Pickup Body sitting on it.

What ever you end up with, the FACT remains that you will be driving one of the COOLEST vehicles around town and you WILL get lots of thumbs up, waves, honks, and people coming up to you when you are parked asking you... What the heck kind of truck is that? Enjoy it man, like the rest of us!!
http://www.cardomain.com/ride/3805815/1 ... lys-pickup
Hey Mike,

I haven't driven my truck one inch yet, but I can hardly wait. I expect that it will be like my wagon was when it was on the road. What a blast I had with that. As others have said it will take some getting used to and you have to plan ahead to stop. I remember the first time I did the around the block test drive. My first turn I thought it was going roll over. Take your time, you'll quickly get the feel for it. It will not be the vehicle to take if you are in a hurry, but what a great time you'll have when you do take it.

When my son and I towed my pickup back from WY and we made our first stop to eat, as we were walking across the parking lot my son tells me, dad someone is going over to the truck. I told him no problem we are going to get a lot of that. And boy did we, and that was with it on a trailer. Driving under its own power is going to attract even more attention. So have some extra time when you take it out for a drive, I am sure you will be a great Willys ambassador.

When do you think you'll have yours on the road? I am hoping for sometime this summer with mine. It would be great if we could get together for a photo op.
Lot's of fun and pride is what I will feel and if I'm not the driver, my son will have the same feeling....
62 OlllO said:
Lot's of fun and pride is what I will feel and if I'm not the driver, my son will have the same feeling....

I hear that... my son is 12 and I let him drive my wagon around for the day in the hills looking for deer last fall. He was glowing with the thrill of it all. He had never driven a car before, had the clutch and shifting down in nothing flat. :thumbupleft: I think he will remember it for a long long time...

expect to be passed and passed up on even on a 2 lane road.people yelling at you to get that piece of crap off the road and "my dad had own of those" , " what year?". I see thumbs up alot with a few middle fingers. fun to drive and need to pay attention. my parents came from the mid west to california in 49 ,in a 47 wagon, makes me wonder how long it took to get to ca.
A cruising speed of about 35mph, a turning circle of 25 feet, gas consumption of about 12 miles to the gallon, occasional slipping out of gear, a lumpy ride, awkward gear changes, soft brakes, admiring looks ("Never seen one before"), a great low revving motor, high driving position.....
Mine is a constant work in progress. When I am under it, I can't wait to get it back on the road. When I am back on the road, I am already thinking about what I want to play with next....

...Pure joy...