Under seat Glove Box

62 OlllO

Well Oiled
Oct 19, 2009
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
  1. 1962
I stole this :idea: from Midnightburns build (super build by the way) Sure will make that space more useable and secure. I bought 14" ball-bearing drawer slides and bent a metal box up with lock.
[attachment=0:g79oqm0g]Tires-Glove BX 003.jpg[/attachment:g79oqm0g]

Hat's off to Midnight for this great idea! However it does take some time fiddling with it, not much space to work in. I have only finished the passenger side and the driver side will have to wait some.


  • Tires-Glove BX 003.jpg
    Tires-Glove BX 003.jpg
    121.5 KB · Views: 234
  • Tires-Glove BX 003.jpg
    Tires-Glove BX 003.jpg
    121.5 KB · Views: 209
Sweet looking setup! My wagon is incapable of being locked up and something like this would be a nice way to at least secure smaller items. :cheers:
cnsay...see those 2 screws near the drawer slides...screwed into wood...as mentioned one took me 2 1/2 days of fiddling...the driver side will have to wait...I will line the inside with Herculiner to soften the interior...
I gave both doors to Pete for his wagon, sorry guys I was "brown know-zing".
So did you have to put blocks or shims under the back so it comes out strait and doesn't tip down if loaded? I do really like the project, that little storage area isn't really the best for easy access, but in a drawer you can get to the stuff in the back easy. I may need to build a set myself. I'll add it to the project list, it's a long list.