throttle arm problems


Bigger Hammer
Nov 24, 2015
long island
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
  1. 1954
Hello all! quick question the arm that connects to the back of my gas pedal is rubbing on the right side of the firewall pretty bad. Making for a horrible squeaking sound. is their any way to align the arm. should I bent it or just purchase a new one? if so does anyone know I site that what has this arm or should I invest in a whole new linkage set?
Oh heck Mathew, I would say just bend it, you wont be out anything. If that don't work, well, keep your eyes open for one. Any ways, who's to say it's not bent right now?
There's no reason why you shouldn't bend it to make it work better. Mine has a rubber bushing/seal that holds it in the center of the firewall hole. You may want to find one of these or make one. It helps keep out engine fumes too.
Like everything else on these trucks, engineering on the linkage is pretty weak. I added a second return spring at the carb because if the linkage comes apart (and there's lots of parts to it) it goes wide open. Not a good thing.
Thanks for all the replies! Mohawk is the bushing a willys part or something you found at a hardware store and mocked up?
Thanks for all the replies! Mohawk is the bushing a willys part or something you found at a hardware store and mocked up?

I went ahead and used a few pieces of an old inner tube cut into a nice circle with an small hole punched in the center of it and glued down. Work pretty good, allowed everything to move easily and kept the fumes out.
Like Tom said--bend to fit...

I will add--take a look at your body mounts--mine for example are pretty shot--I mean my fender shouldn't be riding on the frame right?
My point is, as the body sags on the mounts the alignment of all the pedals and linkages will be thrown off... Worth your checking and knowing--a lot easier to bend the linkage and then re-adjust the threaded connection at the carb. If you have to bend it a lot I would recommend putting it in a vice and heating it with a torch to a dull red. A plumbers propane bottle torch will give enough heat for this--you need anything fancy--that will greatly reduce the stress on bending the rod.
Thanks for all the replies! Mohawk is the bushing a willys part or something you found at a hardware store and mocked up?
They came on my truck. I would guess they are factory parts.