Sweet 1950.5 Station Sedan


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 16, 2011
San Francisco, California
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
  1. 1964
This popped up on Kaiser-Willys.com this morning. The Station Sedan is a rare bird (although I think this is a few years newer than 1950), and we all love pictures:

"434: A rare 1950 Willys Overland Station wagon with original mileage 73K, factory 6 cylinder with Overdrive, original seats(drivers has been replaced) original basket weave headliner. Featured in Willys World Magazine November, December 1992 (now out of print). The old lawyer who started our law firm was a Willys Dealer here in Spartanburg SC in the early 1950s…"






Nice car but I don't understand the difference that makes it the rare sedan and what makes my beater something else. Help me see the light please!IMG_1948.JPG
Yeah.....I had to look twice to tell the difference.
Frank, Seriously, you know how rare the Station Sedans are, especially in this condition? Original headliner, caning and seats. This one is probably the only 2Wd Willys I would ever buy.
Too bad it isn't a Jeep Station Sedan. They were 2 wd only, and 1948 only. COULD be only with a later V nose. COULD be a later body on a station sedan frame. But the owner did not identify it as a station sedan, Dan did. The sedans had a special glove. box, sedan side emblems and a different prefix on the vin.
Interesting! So is it a Deluxe Station Wagon? Still a rare find, no?
Well thanks for the let down guys. My old beater is still just my old beater. At least now some of us have learned more about the history of these vehicles. Thanks guys!
Too bad it isn't a Jeep Station Sedan. They were 2 wd only, and 1948 only. COULD be only with a later V nose. COULD be a later body on a station sedan frame. But the owner did not identify it as a station sedan, Dan did. The sedans had a special glove. box, sedan side emblems and a different prefix on the vin.
Good point, Digger. I missed that. Thanks for the catch.
Well thanks for the let down guys. My old beater is still just my old beater. At least now some of us have learned more about the history of these vehicles. Thanks guys!

Like most of us. The only other Willys I would jump on is a Hy-rail.
Once Upon a Time There Was an Engineer...... Choo Choo Frank Was His Name We Hear...... Back in the day that was a Halloween party costume of mine. Railroad overalls, striped cap, a theater sized box of Good and Plenty, and a pint of Southern Comfort in my back pocket.

I knew very little about the Station Sedan before last year when I bought a partial one. Then with the help of this forum and other sources I learned. And got a glovebox emblem. I have never seen one restored though. There were other subtle differences, a waterfall trim on the grille like a Jeepster, different spare tire setup, basket weave headliner...

And Tim, I'm not all that sure what a Deluxe Station Wagon is either.

Morning Greg, I still like Good and Plenty. I get them at Menards. They sell out really fast. And who dosent like a nip of Sothern Comfort now and then.