Searching for a Parts Source

There is quite a bit of good info and parts for these, willystech web site, yahoo has a willys forum. parts from kaiser willys and several other places, Ebay. When you start looking around you'll find everything you should need.
Check out a page called the willys parts sources. I have bought parts from some on this page, give harry sheets a call also 765 362-2247 this man is a world of info. he is a good man. also check out willy tech parts board, I look at that page almost everyday. I have found some good buy's on there. E-bay be careful, know what your looking for, there are people that will say it is for you wagon when it is not. I have met some good people and made new friends with this sickness that i have for old willys. looking for parts is as much fun as it is driveing these old girls.