new Willys owner from Tucson AZ


Gear Grinder
Jan 27, 2011
Tucson, Arizona USA
Willys Model
Willys Year:
Got one! 53 Willys pickup, no engine, plenty of rust/rot, the adventure begins. Planning of mounting body on 84 Nissan 4x4 King Cab chassis...because I have one. Will post pictures when I figure out on how to do that. I love almost anything with wheels. I play off road with a Meyers Manx dune buggy, an old Chenowth sandrail, and an old Yamaha Tri-Moto 200 ATC. Thanks for letting me be part of this forum.
Welcome to the forums. Put up a pic or two of the new truck when you get a chance, and keep us posted on how it goes making a willys fit on a Nissan frame.
I look forward in seeing your progress...I do remember the times of removing and grinding on my rusty wagon...In a way, I miss those times, but the progress can't seem to come fast enough.
Welcome to the forum ! :cheers:
This is Day One as a Willys owner:


I like it, looks pretty good from here :cheers:

I like it! Just say you had the trailer rear tire on for the tow...OK? :lol:
aquawilly54 said:
I like it! Just say you had the trailer rear tire on for the tow...OK? :lol:
Now that is funny. The right rear tire on the trailer did blow less than 10 miles from home, and of spare. So, I three wheeled it home...did that before with a 65 Mustang on the trailer.
I thought about using one the Willys' wheel/tire since the trailer has large Ford wheels, but they all were flat or less than 12 PSI in them. I figured I was close to home, why all the effort.
Thanks for the nice comments.
I separated the front fenders and grill from the cab yesterday as one unit...the PO welded the left fender to a steel plate which is welded to the grill. There are plenty of welded items on this Willys that should not have been welded, i.e...bumper welded to bed.
Oh well, the adventure continues...
Love to find one of that age in such good condition here. The WO tailgate alone is worth the price of entry!
I was in your neck of the woods yesterday. Welcome!
Sorry, I am slow but welcome to the forum.....

great find, another one saved from the scrap yards

Great looking truck! That looks like showroom new compared to what I can find in my part of the rust belt. Congrats on a solid to start.