Hello from the nati


Gear Grinder
Dec 29, 2012
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
Hello and happy new year!

Just joined this board... I bought a 53 willys wagon 4 cyl 4x4 about a month ago.. It is all original except the wheels and tires. I am initially tackling the brakes and putting in seat belts to keep the Mrs happy then plan to get the original wheels cleaned up and start tackling the body and cosmetics. Everything seems to be working ok for the most part.

One question is where is a good source for repair body panels (have been checking Walcks and Kaiser Willys and a few other advertisers). I also insure classic cars for a living so if any one needs any unbiased advise ( not trying so sell anything) let me know!

Seasons greetings,



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hello cutty and welcome! alot of good advice and people on here! were not to far from each other,im in sw lower mich. keep us posted on your project! happy new year!! (dennis)AKA COOTER.
Welcome! Nice looking wagon. I wish mine looked that good at this stage, but it's coming along. Keep us updated.

Welcome to the forums. That is a nice looking wagon you have there. All the vendors seem to sell rear quarter panels made by the same company on worn out dies from user reviews. They will require some work to make them fit up right. Floor panels are available for the front, but anything else is hard to come by and may have to use used parts.
Thanks everyone for the welcome and info.

Had an "interesting" day today... The pin that holds the brake pedal to the master cylinder eye bolt apparently came out and the Mrs lost the brakes while we were cruising downhill(!) fortunately we were able to slow it down and stop with no damage to us or the Jeep. Question.. Is it a simple pin that holds the two together? I thought initially I lost all fluid but that looks fine ( the pin might be easier to fix)! Might also keep my wife away from the rig for awhile(!)
Pin in the brake pedal 'frame' to master cylinder rod. Don't remember if the pin in the pedal is a press fit or welded in place. Brake pedal is on the right in the picture:

Welcome to the forum Cutty.... Nice clean looking wagon. Good luck with you project and Happy New Year to you and your family.


Thanks so much for the photo! Wasn't sure if I lost more bits when it came apart and the view from under was a little difficult. I was able to slide the eye bolt back on easily... Would a washer and new pin be adequate so I can drive it somewhere to get it welded / more secure?
Let's make sure I know which 'pin' you're talking about. There are 'sorta' two - one pin is the big pin that's in the brake pedal that the master cylinder rod fits over. The other pin is a cotter key that keeps a washer in place on the outside of the master cylinder rod. If it's the small pin that come out, easy fix: put it all back together with a new cotter key and you should be done. If it's the big one in the pedal, well, how good is your insurance? If it is that big one, I wouldn't recommend driving it anywhere - much too risky with questionable brakes. Remove the pedal (remove floor plates, unscrew pedal pad, remove the plate on the outside of the pedals, rotate pedal to clear floor board, and slide it off) and take it somewhere to fix it.
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Thanks for taking time to clarify... My lingo / lack of knowledge was confusing the issue. The cotter key is the issue and fell out apparently. The pin attached to the pedal is fine. Again appreciate the help! Should be back in action this year!

Use as big of a cotter key that you can - ideally it should slide through it's hole reasonably easy but have very little play. I usually try to wrap the ends around the big pin instead of just spreading them - my theory is it'll make it harder for them to catch on something. Glad to hear it should be something 'easy'! :)