Yeah tough one, if they are not comfortable spraying DeBeer's, there could be some issues if something does not come out right they claim "we wanted to use Mipa" aside from that.
A few more sprayouts are typically required reguardless of MFG. The canned colors don't usually work and need adjusting at times.
Not knowing if your buying pre mixed DeBeers, who knows what the place mixing the DeBeers really used, it says one thing on the lid, if you need more.will the second batch match.
When the shop makes the color and does the spray out, it winds up the actual color needed.
If there is a conversion of process from DeBeers and Mipa, one is Matte, one is Clear kinda deal, it's going to take a little bit to figure that part out.
Friend owns a high end autobody repair shop and it takes hours and $ to color match at times, but at the expense of someone else, he's not doing anything for free or fun. I bought one of his "personal" trucks he rebuilt and he tracked every dollar and cent like it was a customer's for some reason. To some of us it's crazy to spend 9.5hr doing spray outs, but it made a difference in this case.
If you dial back this level of sprayouts, it just shows to me Mipa will need adjustment to match DeBeers, so make the adjustments if Mipa is the product line. I feel premixed DeBeers is going to need adjustments to match DeBeers.
So multiple sprayouts of the same DeBeers sample will also be needed.
Late 90's I worked as a calibrator and repair of tinting machines and color matching for PPG, Valspar, BEHR, from anything from large Vats of Ink for paper plate MFG, cups, to basic manual tinters at your local Hardware store. Machine to machine and even the location to location the same machine was always custom calibrated many times through out the year to ensure proper mixing and production. It took a while to calibrate these to ensure proper colors based on the labs formulas.
Also worked at the labs calibrating the machines they used to benchmark the colors. It's a neat behind the scenes and the selection of colors always amazes me.
So you have a vision, you have some control in the process, get it closer to what you want.
The bottom post is the guy I'm talking about.