Possum197 Knuckle Buster Feb 13, 2010 1 Willys Model Willys Year: Jun 17, 2010 #1 I have a 48 Willys Pickup and the doors are both shot and I'd like to change them for better ones. Preferably the later year ones that have door locks. Question: What years are the doors interchangeable? thanks
I have a 48 Willys Pickup and the doors are both shot and I'd like to change them for better ones. Preferably the later year ones that have door locks. Question: What years are the doors interchangeable? thanks
Gojeep Well Oiled Jan 10, 2010 4,908 Victoria Australia First Name Marcus Willys Model Pickup Willys Year: 1948 Jun 18, 2010 #2 All of them be it wagon or pickup as far as I am aware.