Cool video--Jeep rally in N. California c. 1960


Well Oiled
Dec 27, 2019
West Linn, Oregon
First Name
Willys Model
  1. Wagon
Willys Year:
  1. 1959
My dad made a 16mm movie of a jeep rally somewhere near Sacramento (that's where we lived) in about 1960. I had his stockpile of 16mm film converted to digital and wanted to share this with you jeep junkies. See link below.

I'm betting some of you Norcal guys might be able to identify the location. It's on a decent sized river, I'm guessing the American, but S. Fork, N. Fork? I have no idea, I was six and not even there ;)

The image is inverted, that's why everybody has right hand drive jeeps :)

Looks like a lot of fun was had by all. Roll bars were not a thing, lots of spouses along. I guessing this was a Jeep club. Wish dad was here to ask!

Enjoy--it's 8+ minutes, but I loved it. (There's a green wagon that looks like mine in the first minute:D)

After a little web searching, I'm pretty sure the event my dad filmed is the 1960 "Gold Country Classic" that used to be out on by the Sacramento Jeepers. I found an article about the event, check out the link below. It was held near Georgetown, CA, which is also the starting point for the annual Jeep Jamboree on the Rubicon Trail.

Photo from the article
Cool video, but why are the steering wheels all on the wrong side. ;)
All almost pristine rigs, of course they weren't very old then. Only spotted one looked like it had a bent
front fender. Wonder where they are now ?
Great video, thanks for posting,, :)
Hey Dave,
Fantastic footage!

I found a video processing web site with a "mirror" feature (

I hope you don't mind that I uploaded the result to youtube. (Just let me know if you do mind, and I will remove it immediately!)

Thanks Joe, that's perfectly fine, much better in fact. I wish I'd known about that site.
My dad made a 16mm movie of a jeep rally somewhere near Sacramento (that's where we lived) in about 1960. I had his stockpile of 16mm film converted to digital and wanted to share this with you jeep junkies. See link below.

I'm betting some of you Norcal guys might be able to identify the location. It's on a decent sized river, I'm guessing the American, but S. Fork, N. Fork? I have no idea, I was six and not even there ;)

The image is inverted, that's why everybody has right hand drive jeeps :)

Looks like a lot of fun was had by all. Roll bars were not a thing, lots of spouses along. I guessing this was a Jeep club. Wish dad was here to ask!

Enjoy--it's 8+ minutes, but I loved it. (There's a green wagon that looks like mine in the first minute:D)

Those hats...epic!