The 6V battery on my L6-226 wagon has 00 cables and grounds to a bolt holding the starter to the engine. The engine has a ground strap to the frame.
With lack of fusing in these rigs shorts to ground can be a pretty bad issue.I'm back at it, and really right back where I was. I had my wife turn the key while I watched in the distributor to see if the points were opening- they were not. We got 5 or 6 engine revolutions before we lost power and just heard clicking. The battery was charged prior. I have a jumper from the center ign switch post to the batt positive terminal. It is all 6 volts, starter recently restored, new solenoid on starter. I want to find what's draining the battery, but my analog meter only measures DC miliamps. It seems I need more capacity to see how much current is going where. Does that make sense?
Thank you for ideas.
I wonder if the rotor for the 226 IAT would fit? The shaft is fairly small.I was able to read the tag on the didtributor from a photo. It says Autolite IAT 4008 8F. NAPA says they called (Autolite?) and were told that is not a recognized number. Anyone else have this distributor in a running vehicle? I'm still looking for a rotor, and hoping I don't have to replace the entire distributor. Thanks.