Thanks guys! I am pretty much sanded out on the body, finally. I did use stripper on the roof but sanded it out with 60 grit, it was the only way to actually cut through it before I turn 60. I will sand it down with a 120 grit later. My plan for the roof, after I repair it, is to apply a bed liner type product, we call it Rock guard up here, then apply a few coats of white paint so that I don't roast inside on a sunny day. This will accomplish a couple of things, cover up imperfections (it's a roof after all), sound deadening, and seal any pinholes I overlooked. It will be a while until I prime, I will do the whole truck at once.
I don't have a whole lot of experience at body work but I do know how to work metal, and I find as I get older I have more patience for it, I am not striving for SEMA quality but still want it to look good up close. Putting the new quarter panels on is scaring me, not sure if I should lap them or stitch them? Any thoughts on this?
All that shiny metal reminds me of a B-29 or a B-17, I am thinking seriously about some nose art......what do you guys think?
One last pic of my crazy puppy Gunner, he thinks the table is a good place to nap!