
  1. Installed Heater Box Photos Requested

    I bought an under dash heater box like this one. If you have one—Looking for photos of where you placed it. Thanks in advance
  2. greatn123

    Looking for 1” sector shaft & Pitman arm

    Hey y’all...i’m sure this is a long shot but here goes nothin! i’m desperately in need of a 1 inch sector shaft and pitman arm for my 1960 SW. i’m in the middle of rebuilding the ross box and wasn’t able to use the original parts as they were far beyond usable. i ordered a new sector shaft and...
  3. Heater question

    Hello all! i just purchased at 1954 wagon. On further inspection of the interior i found a Mopar deluxe heater. This is a very cool heating box. Im almost positive its 6volt so i will have to rewire it. My question is where do i tap the water lines? Is there some sort of an adapter that comes...
  4. How to disassemble heat control knobs

    Hi I just got a set of heater controls for my 1961 Sedan Wagon and I thought they used a simple set screw but there is only the hole and I couldn't figure out how to take the knobs off the cables. I will appreciate your help.