
  1. 226 Stutters with Final Push of Gas Pedal

    RE: 226 Hurricane 6 YR: 1962 Wagon TO DATE: Everything new/rebuilt from gas cap forward EXCEPTIONS: original distributor & original harmonic balancer SYPMPTON: 226 Stutters with Final Push of Gas Pedal When I'm out on the 4 lane, it does fine to about 45 mph ... BUT if I try to press...
  2. wunderwillys

    correct distributor for 53 wagon f134

    I am looking to either purchase a NOS or rebuilt distributor for my 53 willys wagon (f134) with vacuum advance (6v). Attached is a photo of one of the IGW 4189, I have two of those and 1 of the CJ style mech advance ones (someone welded the weights....). It appears as though the IGW4189 is not...