
  1. Whiteboi99

    Nobody ships to where i live

    Hey I'm trying to do a disc break conversion on my 62 utility wagon dana 25 i found the caliper mount I need CB7191, but I can't find anyone that ships to where I live in canada and I can't seem to find any sellers in canada. If anyone knows any site in canada that I can get the part from I'd...
  2. Rajala

    Parkway> Delivery

    Im New to the forum, been silently watching and getting ideas for a couple months now, finally decided to tap into the Old Willys Forum resource. I realize some of you may be Debbie downers about this idea but, i have what i believe is a 59 parkway conversion. I've been doing body work and...
  3. 1961 Willys Pickup Warn overdrive conversion to Saturn/Warn overdrive~

    I would like to replace my existing warn overdrive. It is a Warn with an electric silenoid and a cable that ingages the unit. It was on my truck when I bought it 6 years ago. I want to go with new Saturn/Warn shift on the fly overdrive married to my Dana 18 T-case. From what I can see in the...